Companies Embrace Wildnote Technology While Navigating COVID-19
It was a shock for everyone when COVID-19 hit and the uncertainty of living and working with pandemic restrictions became the norm. As people looked for ways to do more with less, they turned to technology of all kinds to meet remote working requirements while maintaining quality and speed. People not only became more comfortable with learning and using new technology, they had the time to choose appropriate solutions and integrate them – and they had the need to do it "now." Wildnote was no exception.
Our customer base has continued to grow, increasing by more than 50% in 2021. We want to say "Welcome, and Thank You," to all of the forward thinking individuals and companies who have adopted Wildnote as their environmental compliance solution during a time we won't soon forget. We value our customers and we applaud the tenaciousness and creativity with which you have all kept your projects moving and continued to protect the environment and your businesses.
Moving forward, we anticipate continued growth as the proven benefits of automating repetitive environmental compliance tasks and reporting become the industry standard.
Product Updates
The Wildnote development team has been busy! We have been working to continually improve the user interface and add new features and modules.
Cultural Resources projects in Utah just got more efficient! The complete Utah Archaeological Site Form (UASF) is the newest addition to the suite of California, Arizona, and Nevada CRM forms in the Wildnote Survey Form Library. Wetlands got an update to 5.0! You can now also streamline reporting for Ordinary High Water Mark, California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM), and Remediation Success Criteria. read more about wetland 5.0
Jeff Erramouspe has joined us as Chief Revenue Officer to help guide the company through its next growth phase. With his experience leading multiple cloud-based enterprise software companies, Jeff brings unique insight into both the customer’s journey when acquiring technology and the developer’s journey when building technology. When facing challenges, he is skilled at carving away what "isn't" the problem and providing teams with clear objectives and the right environment for each individual to do their best work. As a proven mentor of top tier executives and managers, Jeff is a valued and productive member of Wildnote Leadership. He and his wife, Mary, are excited to be on the Central Coast after recently relocating from Austin TX. We expect them to acquire a dog any day now!
Rachel Roden has joined our customer success team, working with Nancy Douglas, our Director of Customer Success. As our customer base increases, so do the customer questions! Finding people who understand both technology and the needs of environmental professionals in the field is a challenge – Rachel is a perfect fit. She has used the Wildnote platform in her work as a professional archaeologist, so she understands the less-than-ideal conditions out in the field, and the nuts and bolts of how Wildnote works. Add to that her prior customer support experience and it barely took her a minute to shine! Wildnote is known for exceptional customer support; with Rachel on the team, it just got even better. When Rachel isn't investigating the past, or helping customers with technology, you can find her knitting and creating cool original pattern designs.
We're Ready For NMEBC!
It's exciting to be returning to live conferences. As much as we love technology, we also love live humans. We look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones in Raleigh at the 24th annual National Mitigation & Ecosystem Banking Conference (NMEBC). Jeff and Renee are packing up the swag and bringing their best smiles to booth #35. If you're there, stop by, say "Hi," and see what's new with Wildnote.
Lunch & Learn is One Year Old!
It was June of 2020 when we launched our popular Lunch and Learn Webinar series featuring industry professionals talking about the ways they use new technology to streamline compliance tasks. With technology as the focus, they shared tips, tools, and best practices for project management, reporting and field practices. Our audience learned ways to save time, gain accuracy, and tackle big projects while minimizing big headaches.
We celebrate the 1,987 registrants and 16 guest experts who came together for 17 webinars. Together, we explored emerging technologies, remote sensing, mapping, photo management, linear construction monitoring, camera trapping, cultural resources management, wetlands work, vegetation management, and SWPPP. We also brought consultants, permittees and regulators together to talk about the future of compliance reporting and the role technology can play in streamlining the permitting process. Past webinars are available on demand and upcoming webinars are held the second Tuesday of every month 11-11:30 am Pacific time. Visit the Events page to find out more.
Guest Appearances
Wildnote staff are making the rounds and we hope you catch them live, or recorded. CRO Jeff Erramouspe tells it like it is on the ArchaeoTech Podcast, episode 158, streaming on the Archaeology Podcast Network (APN). If you want to know more about Wildnote, what it is, what it does, and where it's going, this is a great place to start. Many thanks to ArchaeoTech hosts, Chris Webster and Paul Zimmerman. Listen to the podcast...